Welcome to the 6th Grade World History! I can't wait to meet all of you. This is an exciting year in Social Studies as we get to learn about and discover the ancient civilizations and cultures together! This year we will explore prehistoric times, the first civilization of Mesopotamia (Did you know that this is modern day Iraq?), Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece (we will learn about great battles and the mighty Spartans), Ancient Rome and maybe we will have time to visit the Middle Ages (knights, armor, castles oh my!) Are you ready for a fun year? I know I am! See you August 12th! <3 Mrs. Molinaro P.S. Be sure to click on the HOME drop down menu for your summer work and the materials/supplies needed list.
Note on Supplies/Printing: Students will be expected to print some documents throughout the year. The printed documents will sometimes count as a homework assignment to complete. Please make sure your printer is maintained: in working order and has ink. If this is a financial hardship for any family, please contact me * just a little supplies list clarification: you will only need to have ONE of your spirals with you the first week of school. The other is for later in the semester and will stay home until needed. Please read about the notebook requirement below! MUST BECOLLEGE-ruled with a PLASTIC coverand at least 100 sheets (perforated) see materials link on homepage highly recommend Mead'sFive Star or Office Max's Stellar (Students will need to be able to glue in an 8 ½ x 11 printer page with no overhang, folding or trimming.) These are a little bit more expensive, but will last the entire semester as your portfolio for class.
Dear Parents Note on Volunteering: Just because your child is now in middle school doesn't mean you no longer are welcome in our classroom, we love it when our parents come join us for fun projects! I will be soliciting parents throughout the year to come and help out with in class projects or events, where I will periodically send out a Sign-Up Genius.
In order to work with our students (volunteer on campus or chaperone a field trip) you need to be registered with our Volunteers Community Involvement office. Even if you signed up last year to be a Level 1 volunteer, you need to renew! Parents can register ON-LINE (from a computer, as it will not work on a phone) If interested in Level 1 volunteer.(Level 1 volunteers are supervised at all times, work on campus and in the classroom, renewed annually, and the application is free.) Please click the following link: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/MTM1Mjplbi1VUw== If you would prefer to be a level 2.(Level 2 volunteers do not need to be supervised, can attend field trips, are renewed every 5 years, requires finger printing and has a $38 application fee.) Please click the following link for registration:Sarasota County Schools Police Department / Level 2 Volunteer Fingerprinting Volunteers need to complete the application in step #1. After the application is completed they will continue to Step #2 to schedule a fingerprinting appointment. For questions, feel free to contact Community Relations directly at 941-927-9000 Ext. 31500 Thank you!
Note on Rain: While most of the 6th grade classes are in building 17, students will have classes in other parts of campus. In the event of rain, having a small umbrella is highly recommended! Another smart idea is to have a few plastic bags tucked in a pocket of their backpacks for those rainy days and a great way to protect their SS notebook. Please label all backpacks, lunch boxes, water bottles, pencil pouches etc. with their first and last name.
Want to stay in the loop? Be notified of changes or upcoming important dates? SIGN UP NOW for ROOMS!!!!